Gian Jaskulski

Cloud Engineer

About Me

Hello, I'm Gian. With over 20 years of experience in IT, DevOps, Linux administration, and networking, I have a deep passion for open-source technologies and have been a dedicated Linux user for the past two decades. My expertise includes infrastructure management, automation, and security.

Currently, I work at AWS, where I assist customers in creating, implementing, and optimizing their Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and CI/CD workflows, ensuring they maximize the benefits of AWS technologies.



The technological advancements and cultural shifts of the 1990s have significantly influenced my journey in the IT industry. Witnessing the rise of the internet sparked my fascination with how technology connects us, driving me to pursue a career that embraces innovation and connectivity.

From early experiences with gaming consoles to exploring the burgeoning world of the web, those formative years instilled in me a passion for technology that continues to inspire my work today.


Here are some articles I've written:


Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or check out my work on GitHub.

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